Know 5 Different Types of Facelift Surgery

Face-lift surgery is one of the most popular terms in cosmetic surgery world. In simple words, facelift

is described as the procedure of getting rid from aging signs like frown lines, wrinkles, etc. Depending upon the needs as well as facial rejuvenation, there are different kinds of facelift surgeries are performed by experienced surgeons.

Different Types of Facelift Surgery

The Mini-Facelift – During this surgery, small incisions are made to tighten the skin and remove excess tissues. This facelift primarily targets the lower face area like jowls and neck. The facelift is best suited to young patients for whom full lift is not required.

The Mid-Facelift – It is believed that the mid-facelift is quite effective in treating cheek i.e. mid-face area. An incision is made in the hairline above ears as well as within the mouth to reposition the fat pads in the cheeks. Sometimes, the procedure is incorporated with other facial procedures if required.

The Deep Plane Facelift – This facelift aims at lifting muscle tissues as well as skin of cheek and neck which becomes saggy due to aging. This facelift shows long-lasting and impressive results and impart patients a youthful appearance.

S-Lift – As the name indicates, surgeon makes S-shaped incision to improve the appearance of lower face and jaw. The incisions are small as compared to traditional facelift.

Traditional Facelift – This facelift is meant for those patients who are experiencing moderate to significant changes in face due to aging. During this procedure, excess fat is removed from neck and jowels, tissues are tightened and the skin is re-draped in natural manner. Because it is an outpatient procedure, therefore patients can resume their work within 10-14 days.

It is important to disclose the fact different types of facelift vary on the grounds of area of face needs to treat, type of incision, degree of invasiveness and number of layers treated. All these factors are evaluated by experienced and trained surgeon thoroughly and accordingly he decides which facelift will yield the best results on particular patients.

Dr. Babak Hatami is one of the most reputed and famous cosmetic surgeons in Dubai, UAE performing different kinds of facelift surgery successfully, Patients from far flung areas come and seek his opinion before undergoing the surgery

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